Lawrenceville Garage Door

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Rail Care for Your Garage Door System

Every homeowner knows that their garage door system is comprised of several different parts that work together to help operate the door. To help ensure that your garage door functions properly year-round, there are several things you can do to help maintain it. Some of the most important features on your garage that you should pay attention are the garage door rail and its tracks.

The garage door rail sits in front of the garage door motor along the center of the garage ceiling. This is the portion where the garage door chain sits. This portion of your garage must be well maintained since it helps play a critical role in the overall functioning of your garage.

The garage door tracks sit on either side of your garage door and also play an important role when it comes to your garage door opening and closing. You will want to ensure that both the rail portion of your garage and the tracks are well-maintained. Follow the steps and suggestions below to keep your garage door operating smoothly.

Steps to Help Maintain Your Garage Door Rail and Tracks

One of the best things you can do for your garage is to keep the parts lubricated. Below are several steps you can follow that will ensure your garage door operates as it is intended and you increase the longevity of your garage door as a whole. The following steps will ensure your garage door is properly maintained.

  1. Close the Garage Door and Cut Power to the Motor.

    Before you begin any kind of maintenance on your garage door, it is important to ensure that the garage is in a down position and the power has been temporarily disconnected. This will help ensure that the garage does not accidentally open for any reason while you are working with the tracks and rail.

  2. Wipe down the Tracks with a Rag

    After you have closed the garage door and cut power to the motor, you will want to clear the tracks and rail of any debris and dust. The easiest way to do this is with a damp rag. You can also use a vacuum with a hose extension if one is available to you. Either method, or a combination of both, will help ensure that no excessive build-up occurs once you start lubricating the rail and tracks.

  3. Use a Lithium-Based Garage Door Grease

    Next, you will want to apply lubrication to the garage door parts. A lithium-based grease is recommended and can be purchased at a hardware store. Certain household degreasers such as WD-40 are not recommended and may even damage your garage door parts. Oil of any kind is also not recommended, as oil is more likely to attract dirt and grime. Oil is also more likely to drip or leak compared to grease. It may be a good idea to check your garage door owner’s manual to see if there is a specific kind of lubrication that is recommended for your garage door model.

    The top part of the rail is one area you will want to pay close attention to. Lubrication in this area is critical if you want your garage door to open and close properly. Typically, most garage door rails will have a built-in protectant that makes it so you will not have to lubricate it regularly. Once or twice a year should be enough to keep the garage door working properly.

    You will also want to apply lubrication to other parts of the garage door, such as the springs, bearing plates, rollers, and hinges. A well-lubricated garage door is more likely to last longer and cause fewer problems. Although this maintenance step can take some time and physical labor, it is well worth it. Without proper lubrication, you are more likely to see the parts of your garage door wear down. Make sure you don’t skip lubricating your garage door parts, especially if you want to increase the longevity of your garage.

You May Need to Hire a Garage Door Specialist to Help

Garage door issues of any kind can be intimidating. Even maintenance procedures may be better suited for a professional. If you have mobility issues or are uneasy getting up on a ladder and performing any maintenance yourself, do not hesitate to call a professional for help. Garage door experts can perform a variety of garage door maintenance procedures for you, including rail and track lubrication.

Having an expert assist you is also a great way to become aware of any potential hazards or issues that you may not have previously noticed. While you receive necessary lubrication, you can also request that the garage door expert you hire look for any areas of concern or weak points in your garage. That way, you can have minor issues repaired before they become bigger problems.

Lawrenceville Garage Door

Call us now: (678) 301-2445

Choose the best company in the area if you need assistance with this important aspect of your home. Choose the staff at Lawrenceville Garage Door and expect excellence. You can schedule an appointment by calling us at your convenience.
